Hubspot AI tools

Hubspot is a powerful CRM that many small and medium-sized businesses use. Recently they have released some interesting AI tools to increase the effectiveness of the platform that completely automates data input, reporting, and scheduling. This system is called, and it is without question the future of the platform. 

Dharmesh Shah, Co-founder and CTO, has a demo video of how the system works and delivers results in a shockingly low time frame without complex inputs from the user. They have also a new tool named Content Assistant, which is designed for marketers to build new and unique content with the help of generative AI.

This project uses OpenAI’s ChatGPT 3.5, Hubspot's CRM, DALL-E-2, and Google docs as the engines for this new platform. This is how UX engineers dream of a CRM working, you simply ask what you want, and you get those results. eliminates the need for complex inputs from the user with this new project.

This tool is still in its Alpha phase and will need more time to fully develop into the standard Hubspot toolbox, but it is on its way, and quickly. What is so surprising is the pace they have moved to integrate the GPT3.5 API into this platform. It hasn't been more than a few days since the API was available, which means they had this idea cooking for some time beforehand. Either way, we are impressed with Hubspot's speed to build and release a tool this powerful and user friendly.

From our perspective, this is exactly how we hoped this stage of AI development would be implemented into business applications with a user-friendly and familiar interface. Before this AI, tools have been difficult to access for those less “techy,” but Hubspot may have just brought AI tools into a new mainstream for the business world.

Here is a link to the video of Dharmesh’s demo.

Let us know your thoughts on the topic and if this tool could help you or your company. Leave a comment or send us an email.


AI in Real Estate Part 1